Living in the Mundane
Sometimes it feels like as a mom I’m stuck in the mundane. My weeks can often be drawn out with the same tasks over and over again. Dishes and more dishes, laundry, and yet another meal. Stories to read, fingernails that need clipped, reminders to brush teeth and appointments to be made fill my day. The weeks feel like they will never end and yet they rush by too quickly. There are days that I am disappointed that I am not providing a more exciting childhood for my kids. But just juggling the basics also feel like a pretty big accomplishment.
I was reflecting on this very thing in the shower last week. Mundane and boring days. We always feel like those seasons somehow need fixing. But then God reminded me of His goodness in giving me the gift of a hum-drum, normal day. Every day is not meant to be a dramatic and breathtaking endeavor. There is a lot to be said for “just keeping everyone alive”.
Then God spoke to me and reminded me that the same is true for my spiritual life. There are days when I feel like my walk with God is simply being sustained. I am not receiving mind blowing revelations from Him. Some days, I am simply walking with Him through another normal day. But every day cannot be a mountaintop experience.
Isn’t this what it is to abide? Just as there are days in my motherhood that I move forward in the tedium of life simply doing the basic things, there are days in my walk with the Lord where I am simply moving forward in a routine manner. Reading Scripture and trusting God for it to stir in me throughout the day in a way that sustains me. Praying with the most primitive verbiage through brain fog and my to-do list trying to grab my attention. Somedays it feels like I can do nothing more than just show up and be poured into because I have nothing to give. But this is it. This is the beautiful place that God has me. I am here. On my own empty, reliant on Him to be all that I need. And this is abiding. Daily sustained. I think it’s time that I stop fighting these dull days and allowing them to be enough.
Equip and Prepare
Perhaps in these seasons of stillness there is a purpose. What if this time is a gift that God has given us with our good in mind? What could be seen as spiritual boredom may not actually be that at all. Our daily commitment to just show up and read God’s word and talk to Him is shoring us up for the future. Invest well. We never know what situations are ahead. It may not be any impending catastrophe that awaits us, God may simply be giving us a gift of calm and of building our relationship with Him. We must embrace it.
Be Still
For years I have been so jazzed up and buried by the demands of my life that I did not know how to be still. I am still learning. Is this where you are at? Are you restless with the stillness and the monotony of life? Do you find yourself anxious to have the bustle and chaos brought back to you today because somehow there is comfort in that? Pray along with me that the Lord will teach us to be still. That He will show us how to rest and abide in Him. Daily seeking Him for today, a day like any other. No mountaintop, no lightening bolts from heaven. Simply steady. Enjoying God, His Word and His love for us!
Trust Him for the Fruit
We get so focused on doing and accomplishing. But yet those things can also be the very things that are holding us back. Instead, abide. Grow in your walk with the Heavenly Father and out of the overflow of your daily walk with Him and though His power, there will be fruit.
Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. John 15:4

Summer is coming up! Here’s an idea for you…..
We all need a few ideas to help fill up those long summer days. If you love having company, use your yard to host a “Boxcar Day” for your children’s friends. Find out more here. If you plan to spend a little “mom time” online, make sure to find me and my friends over at “Less Than Perfect Christian Mamas” on facebook. I would love to get to know you!