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Faith Journey

Pam Fields

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

Does anyone else feel it, or is it just me? Has God been calling you on a faith journey like you’ve never experienced before this year?

I told my children that this was significant when the announcements went out about corona virus in early March of 2020,. This would change the world the way that 9-1-1 did nearly two decades earlier. I had no idea the future of our country, our family or our home. It did in fact end up being significant. It has been not only faith building but faith affirming for me. Perhaps for you as well.

Four months into Covid-19 I felt such a distinct message from the Lord that it was “time”. We knew that God was leading us to move physically. He was calling us 2,000 miles away, to a place that was foreign to us. You can read more about our move here.

This faith journey He has called us on however, did not only include our physical home but our hearts as well. My focus became clearer as I saw the simple and practical day to day integrated into my walk with the Lord. I was seeing Him and recognizing His hand in my life. This journey has grown me.

The Great Unknown

God does not give us all of the details ahead of time. If He did, we might say, “no”. At least I think I would. I have always been very comfortable in doing the same old thing. Adventure has never been high on my list nor has exploring. You can find me most often in jeans and a t-shirt at home, doing nothing out of the ordinary. But let me tell you how the Lord has been stretching me.

I have been launched into the great unknown. Our move did not just take us across town but to a whole new culture. The Christian homeschool community in our new town quickly embraced us. Specifically a group of moms who extended us invitations for events and were a constant sounding board for my questions. (that I believe, is the same wherever you go… once your find your tribe) One thing that surprised me was learning to grocery shop again. The stores that I had habitually frequented did not exist here. When I was shopping, the labels were different reflecting the geographical distance we had traveled. Falling back into old traits was not an option. Though it was daunting, it was also freeing. I had opportunity to look at everything with fresh eyes.

The familiarity of climate was even stripped away. The first few weeks after our arrival were hot and humid. I got rid of all my warm weather jeans before we left Oregon. I had the expectation that by the time I needed them in the spring, I would have lost a size or two. (Ha! What a wake up call. On to Walmart I went to grab some capri pants!) Spring would bring “tornado season” which worried me. My new friends were amused by my preoccupation with weather apps. To top it off this winter has been uncommonly cold between the fall heat and the spring tornadoes of the south. It has snowed at least ten times, compared to once in my home of the Pacific Northwest.

To add to the discovery of new things, we have become a dual state family. My husband needs to travel from Tennessee to Oregon regularly. With that means that some of the aforementioned challenges I have been embracing alone. My GPS has been a lifeline as I learn to boldly navigate. Every time we get a package or piece of furniture that states, “adult assembly required” I know I am on my own. I’ve never assembled so much of anything in my life. When the upstairs shower leaked through to the basement bedroom in a steady streak, it put all my problem solving skills to task. Google has been my companion when I need direction and resources. I tell myself, “I’m learning new things this year!” The great unknown.

Directing My Gaze

I know that someday life will get comfortable here. Even now, there are days I can run my errands without the GPS and I celebrate! When the newness is gone, I’m afraid it will be easy to rely on my own strength. Living in some discomfort, uncertainty or challenge reminds me to direct my gaze upon the Lord. It reminds me where my strength and my help come from. The journeys that we have in life are a series of opportunities to be challenged in and practice the faith that God has given us. I am thankful to have Him by my side in this.

What has your journey been like this year? Have you been challenged this year? Have you walked into the unknown? Oh sisters, embrace this opportunity to open your eyes and see what the Lord has done and is doing. 2020 has been a year that has changed our lives in a physical way. Let it also be a year that changes your heart and bolsters your faith. We do not know what our futures bring but walking with Jesus, we can be sure that we don’t have to do it alone.

Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 ESV


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