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Are you “Living the Dream”? Mom life can be tough!

Pam Fields

Updated: Jul 21, 2023

I was driving down the road and there was a guy wearing a T-shirt that said, “Livin’ the Dream”. It was apparent that his dream was different than mine. To start off, he was walking down the sidewalk with a bag of groceries and his pants were hanging down below his boxer line. This guy was living his dream. His shirt declared that he was right where he wanted to be. I thought, “I’m glad that he’s living his dream”. It made me stop and think about how different each person’s dream can be.

Dreams change as we move through our lives. If you ask my six year old about his dream life, I’m pretty sure it would include root beer, legos and video games with Daddy. For my fifteen year old, the dream is looking forward to getting a drivers license, a job and independence. For my married daughter, her dream is spending time with her husband and their children. The aspirations that drove us in our younger years will be different as we face challenges and experience success. Wouldn’t it be sad if we never reached our goals? Those dreams and goals attained prompt us to the establishment of a completely new set. Moving through these is the act of living our dream!

Video games with Daddy make waiting all year for vacation worth it.

Is mom life your dream life?

When I was in high school, the only dream I remember having was to be a wife and a mom. As I came to know the Lord and began to walk with Him daily, I still had those aspirations. I now however, specifically saw this in the context of working with my husband as a team to share the Gospel and to encourage fellow believers. When I became a mom, the focus was not just helping these kids to grow up to be independent but to be people who would change the world and lead people to Jesus.

Mom days are full. “Overwhelming” can be an understatement. I remember one day fully wrapped up in blessed chaos. I raised my hands and motioned as if I was a conductor. My little band had outnumbered me… and they were LOUD. I imagined what we must have looked like if someone could have seen us through the window. It wasn’t picture perfect but it WAS PERFECT! I thought to myself, “You are living your dream.”

Matthew 6:21 NIV For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

My daughter, son in-law and their two adorable babies!

Stop and remember your dream

When I take a minute to remember the blessings in my life I am renewed. It is then that I see order through the chaos. I see God’s hand in the journey, the difficulties and the successes. My reality, though it can be chaotic, is my dream fulfilled.

What makes up your dream life? Maybe you are living it right now! You just needed a reminder to find that dream and realize that you have made it! You have arrived!

Psalm 1:2,3 But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. 3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season


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