The Struggle Is Real
I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Who else is trying to become a spin doctor for the sake of your children? Though they weren’t too upset at the cancellation of our homeschool co-op, there were some other pretty big blows. One of them being a long awaited and much anticipated trip to Disney. We had entered the double digit countdown when the Corona Virus news hit and things started shutting down. Disappointment would be an understatement.
So often our children’s attitudes are a reflection of our own. As we watch the news and have adult things to think about, we also have to practice having child eyes. We have to take the disappointments and frustrations of our own and our children then turn them around. We can be disappointed, devastated and sad but, we can’t dwell in it.
May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus Romans 15:5
Start Planning Now
Here we are, a few months in and though things may start to open up, we know our world will look different. Even in the short term there is so much uncertainty of when and if life will be back to normal.
Part of the job of a mom is to keep her eyes ahead and to plan for family events. In our home, Independence Day has always been a pretty big deal. Because we have a big family and we know so many other big families, it doesn’t take long for us to gather a group of 30-60 for a party. So even now, our kids are beginning to ask if our 4th of July party will have to be cancelled.
Rather than flat out say no right now, I’m preparing my spin. I’m gathering ideas and trying to look for the bright side. Though it may very easily be circumstances for “the worst 4th of July ever”, I’m thinking of what I can do to turn that around. How can we instead make this “the BEST 4th of July ever!” for our kids?
I knew my imagination was limited and I was still stewing in my own disappointment so I asked a group of my mom friends for ideas on how to save the day. Here’s what they have come up with:
Traditional Activities
BBQ (with corn on the cob, watermelon and strawberry shortcake)
Face painting
Scavenger hunt
Water balloon or egg toss
Fire works
Lawn games
Tent camping in the yard
Super Creative Activities
Though these may take a little extra time to plan or execute, these ideas sound like so much fun! I think we will try a few of these this year.
Patriotic “treat bags” to deliver to the neighbors
Civil War reenactment using Lego or Playmobil pieces
Costume Contest with an Independence Day theme
Talent show (record and send to family that can’t be with you)
Block (un)party- Set up a time for you and your neighbors to be in your front yards. Decorate your garage in red, white and blue. Play patriotic music. (and maybe… that talent show)
Have the kids decorate their bikes, skateboards or anything with wheels and walk in family groups around the block while still maintaining the social distancing recommendations for your area.
Have a reverse parade. You can find out more in this post. You could have a reverse parade with just your own family or, if you give neighbors enough notice, they can be prepared to throw candy to the parade makers as they march by!
Antique Independence Day- Find out what families used to do to celebrate the birth of our nation when transportation was difficult. Those were the days of a natural social distancing. Maybe you will want to make a banner from fabric, practice singing the songs of our Independence, or have a pie making/eating contest!

This Is Going Down In The History Books
I know this year is different. It is not what we had planned or what we dreamed of but we can spin it! C’mon mamas! Let’s make this a super fun and creative holiday. Let’s celebrate our Independence and freedom as a nation. We may just start some traditions that will be carried out for generations to come!
I would love to hear about how you plan to or have made this holiday special for your family.