Learning New Things?
Raise your hand if you have been learning a lot of new stuff lately. Yeah? Me too!
Our lives have changed so much in the past few months it’s a bit mind boggling. No matter what you personally feel about the circumstances around the world during this pandemic, I think we can say with certainty that life has changed. It has changed for everyone.
Our children are taking in information and experiences that we had not fathomed at their ages. Whereas at one time it would seem odd to see someone wearing a mask while walking through a grocery store, it is now common place. When, before now, have we seen tutorials on YouTube as to how to properly wash your groceries? How do you explain to a child that though Gramma misses them and lives just a short drive away, we can’t go see her? No hugs, no kisses.
Our parents and grandparents in the upper years are learning new things! They have been learning how to connect to their loved ones on social media, through texting and through FaceTime calls. Even the older generation is having to adjust to a quieter life. In all likelihood their social clubs, churches and exercise routines have been foiled. They are missing visits to the hair salon for themselves and to the groomer for their beloved pet. But my, how we commend them because they are tough and they are learning right along with everyone else.

Business owners are scrambling to put together strategies and tools that will keep their businesses afloat. They are weighing the current needs of clients, customers, employees and getting up to do it all again another day.
Medical personnel and First Responders? Yeah, they are professionals and experts but they are learning too. I cannot even imagine the details! I know that these men and women have hurdles to be navigated both on the job and as they enter their homes. They continue because they know that their jobs are important. What about you? As a mom, has your routine been disrupted? Are you homeschooling for the first time and learning to navigate a whole new lifestyle? Do you have to make hard decisions for a medically fragile family member? Or have you just been hit with a job loss and are grasping to keep financially afloat? Oh mama, if there were any way I could help, I would.
God is doing a great work. Let’s welcome Him into our homes and invite Him to walk beside us.
Looking Ahead
Right now, you may feel like you can’t take much more. It might feel like you are being tested. Just keep on going! “Count it all joy my brothers (sisters), when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2-4
This is not for nothing. God is doing a great work. Let’s welcome Him into our homes and invite Him to walk beside us. Let’s look to His word to teach us new things and Let’s not miss this opportunity to grow more in relationship to Him. There is a silver lining. May you discover a treasure that the Lord has for you simply because you are walking with Him.
A Quick Personal Update:
Though I do enjoy writing on the blog, I wish I could talk to you all more directly and hear what is on YOUR heart. I want to hear what the Lord is teaching you and be able to cheer you on.
A friend suggested that I start a facebook group to facilitate a place to do just that. I started a facebook group called “Less Than Perfect Christian Mamas”. It has been so encouraging to visit with other moms (though virtually) about the joys and challenges that motherhood brings. If you would like to join the group, click here. If you happen to be a homeschool mom and aren’t on facebook there is another option. There is a new a community being formed on a different platform. You can join me in the group of the same name, “Less Than Perfect Christian Mamas” on the Homeschool Hub network. Just click here.
Finally, if we’ve never spoken and you are just a bit curious to put a voice to the words that I write, there are a few podcasts to check out. I have recently been a guest on the Praying Christian Women podcast and From Our Home To Yours with Nancy Campbell. I think you will be encouraged by each and you will want to subscribe to both!
