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Apr 8, 20203 min read
Got Great Ideas? 5 Tips To Put Them Into Practice
Who else starts their day with high hopes and then is dashed when life takes over? I know I could be so much more productive if I could...

Oct 11, 20193 min read
Functioning Well Amidst Chaos: Practical Steps to Get You Through
We have just walked through an unexpected season of busyness. Everyone knows the saying, “When it rains it pours.” Though life with...

Sep 16, 20196 min read
Everyone Needs a Little Clarity! God’s Gift of New Perspective.
When you have been parenting for a long time, it’s easy to think, “I’ve got this down”. Then, God gives you a child or a circumstance...

Sep 2, 20194 min read
The Chaos of Clutter: Preparing Children to be Adults
You’re in the trenches and I’m in there too! Who else can spend the entire day walking from room to room picking up your family’s “stuff”...

Jul 7, 20193 min read
The Ideal Homeschool Family: How do you Measure up?
In our early days of homeschooling, we weren’t just new to this type of educational model, we were relatively new to being a family...

Jun 23, 20194 min read
Dating on the horizon? Are YOU Ready for This Part of Parenting?
A friend recently asked me how I prepared myself for the time when my children started dating. She was not asking how I prepared THEM,...

Jun 16, 20193 min read
Are you “Living the Dream”? Mom life can be tough!
I was driving down the road and there was a guy wearing a T-shirt that said, “Livin’ the Dream”. It was apparent that his dream was...

Jun 2, 20193 min read
Independence Day: Free to Celebrate!
The seasons of our life direct our activity choices. Some of our traditions are ones we can keep and some need a bit of tweaking to make...

May 26, 20194 min read
Intentional Input: Reflecting on my own Timeline
We all have a journey, a personal timeline. My friend, Ann Dunagan, from challenged me last year to find a way...

May 19, 20193 min read
Boxcar Days: Where a Kid can be a Kid!
As the weather warms up and the sunny days get longer, there is one question on my children’s minds…. “When is Boxcar Day?” My friends...

May 11, 20195 min read
Catching the Vision: Why we Keep our Kids With us in Church!
I have great memories of watching Lawrence Welk with my Gramma on Saturday nights, sleeping over and then waking up to attend church with...

May 5, 20194 min read
The Anniversary Gift That Changed our Lives
Looking back, I remember the time that we lived in a little cul-de-sac early in my mothering years. There was a family whose children...

Apr 28, 20195 min read
To the Moms of Future Men: Let me Tell You Our Story
There was a time that my little boy was just that, a little boy. When he got older and entered the years of passage towards adulthood, I...

Apr 21, 20194 min read
Date night Dilemma: Don’t Miss Out, Have a Party!
I remember the days when we were dating. My boyfriend (later fiancé) was coming to pick me up to go out to dinner. I worked to pick out...

Apr 14, 20198 min read
Taking the Chore out of Chores: Fun and Creative Ideas to Help you get Chores Done!
DISCLAIMER: What I share with you today will not be all inclusive. I do not pretend to have all the answers. What I have to offer are...

Apr 7, 20195 min read
Springtime has Arrived: Simple Ways to Keep Kids Busy
Spring has sprung and every year when it does, it means that it’s time to get everyone outside. Each season brings its own kind of messes...

Mar 31, 20194 min read
Self-Care: Luxury or Necessity?
There are big things happening in the world. Major crisis and heartache are out there. The goings on in my home seem so insignificant but...

Mar 24, 20194 min read
Managing Money With Kids: It Doesn’t Have to be Hard!
Remember those dreams about being a mom and spending all of your time with your kids? All of those joy filled moments as you walk through...

Mar 17, 20195 min read
Daily Devotions or Daily Devoted?: Seeking God in the Midst of Motherhood
I was 15 when I started attending church and the idea of a daily devotional time was introduced to me. Taking time to sit down and read...

Mar 10, 20193 min read
Discipline Spectators: Waiting on God for Justice
This morning as I’m taking a shower, the door opens and an amplified small voice begins a tale of what his sister has done. I gave him a...
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