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Nov 22, 20194 min read
St.Nicholas: A Man To Be Remembered
As we establish our homes, we have the opportunity to keep, throw out or amend the traditions we were raised with. We also have the...

Nov 1, 20194 min read
The Waiting Tree: Our December Tradition
I know this may seem like a premature holiday post, it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. Believe me, you will be thankful for a little lead...

Oct 26, 20195 min read
A Busy Mom’s Guide To Christmas Shopping
I know there is some belief or stereotype that women love shopping. I’m not in that camp. Of course, when I was younger it was fun. When...

Oct 18, 20193 min read
Grumbling Or Gratitude: What Flows From The Heart?
Would I be a complainer if I told you that I get irritated hearing complaints? Can I be real with you, though? There are a lot of...

Oct 11, 20193 min read
Functioning Well Amidst Chaos: Practical Steps to Get You Through
We have just walked through an unexpected season of busyness. Everyone knows the saying, “When it rains it pours.” Though life with...

Sep 21, 20193 min read
Do You “DO” Halloween? Fall Celebrations As Unique As You Are!
I grew up as most children in America do, celebrating Halloween. My mom would spend hours getting creative and making costumes. A lot...

Sep 16, 20196 min read
Everyone Needs a Little Clarity! God’s Gift of New Perspective.
When you have been parenting for a long time, it’s easy to think, “I’ve got this down”. Then, God gives you a child or a circumstance...

Sep 8, 20194 min read
Prioritizing My Homeschool: Where does the Bible fit in?
We are heading into another school year, lining up all the activities and choosing the best curriculum. I always have such optimism at...

Sep 2, 20194 min read
The Chaos of Clutter: Preparing Children to be Adults
You’re in the trenches and I’m in there too! Who else can spend the entire day walking from room to room picking up your family’s “stuff”...

Aug 24, 20195 min read
Connecting the Generations: Make a Plan and Make it Happen
You know what’s weird? It’s weird that in the age of social media we know so much about people but yet we don’t know people. We don’t...

Aug 11, 20195 min read
Women Encouraging Women: A look At Titus 2
I know it, how did we get here… has this much time really passed? It doesn’t “feel” like I’m an older woman and I’m sure it doesn’t feel...

Aug 7, 20195 min read
Honest Talk About Periods: Preparing Your Daughter For Her First Cycle
The girls who hang out at our house may have discovered the closed lid basket on the top of the toilet. Though it is unlabeled it has...

Jul 27, 20193 min read
Memory Verses: Implement a Plan for Retention
I’ve just gotten home from a second week of summer Bible clubs with my kids. There are so many verses that they learn during VBS and 5...

Jul 7, 20193 min read
The Ideal Homeschool Family: How do you Measure up?
In our early days of homeschooling, we weren’t just new to this type of educational model, we were relatively new to being a family...

Jun 23, 20194 min read
Dating on the horizon? Are YOU Ready for This Part of Parenting?
A friend recently asked me how I prepared myself for the time when my children started dating. She was not asking how I prepared THEM,...

Jun 9, 20194 min read
It’s Graduation Season Again: How We Prepared Our Son For Independent Living
Remember back to when your first child was born. It was the great unknown, wasn’t it? We devoured parenting books and searched for...

May 11, 20195 min read
Catching the Vision: Why we Keep our Kids With us in Church!
I have great memories of watching Lawrence Welk with my Gramma on Saturday nights, sleeping over and then waking up to attend church with...

Apr 28, 20195 min read
To the Moms of Future Men: Let me Tell You Our Story
There was a time that my little boy was just that, a little boy. When he got older and entered the years of passage towards adulthood, I...

Apr 21, 20194 min read
Date night Dilemma: Don’t Miss Out, Have a Party!
I remember the days when we were dating. My boyfriend (later fiancé) was coming to pick me up to go out to dinner. I worked to pick out...

Mar 31, 20194 min read
Self-Care: Luxury or Necessity?
There are big things happening in the world. Major crisis and heartache are out there. The goings on in my home seem so insignificant but...
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